Doctor Who (1963): Do You Have a License to Save This Planet

Doctor Who (1963)


Air Date
01 November 2001
Where to watch


What do you get if you cross a Krynoid with an Auton, Sontaran and a sombrero wearing Cyberon with a penchant for fine wines and Ex-cell-ent conversation? Shot probably. On the other hand you could have landed yourself in the middle of the Licensed Reality Corporations' ™ attempt to wipe the stain of the Foot Doctor from the bottom of Accepted Canonicity. Packed full of strange whizzy things, blue swirly things, and more than its fair share of spoons, "Do You Have A Licence To Save This Planet?" brings SYLVESTER McCOY into battle against some of the most fearsome (as seen on BBCTV's DOCTOR WHO) monsters of all time. Armed only with a duffle coat, an umbrella and a patented Sylvester-o-matic-talk-them-to-death-o-tron THE FOOT DOCTOR has come to save the universe once again. He's back. And it's about feet.